You always wanted to start your own company. One day you decided to make it happen. Years (and many personal sacrifices) later you have transformed your original idea into a successful business. A significant part of your net worth is now tied to the business, and, to extract that value, you conclude that the company must eventually be sold.
The obvious questions then follow. What can be done to maximize the company’s value at the time of sale? What can be done to prepare the business for the sale itself? And when should those preparations begin?
Topics for this complimentary seminar will include:
- Preparing to sell your company before you start it
- Growing and protecting your company’s long-term value
- Increasing value by working yourself out of a job
- Understanding the buyer’s perspective on value
- Running the company as though it’s for sale every day
When: Tuesday, November 28th, 2023
Time: 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
Location: Virtual via Teams
Register HERE